Fig. 5.
GRK3 was up-regulated in human metastatic prostate tumors and associated with elevated angiogenesis. IHC staining of GRK3 in benign and malignant prostatic tissues (A–E). Weak and focal staining in benign prostatic hyperplasia and negative luminal cells (A), comparable weak staining in localized prostate cancer (B), stronger staining in advanced castration resistant prostate cancer (C), skeletal metastasis around bone trabeculae demonstrating stronger staining (D), and soft tissue metastasis with the strongest staining observed in these tissue categories (E). This subgroup was significantly stronger than other carcinomas categories (P = 0.001). Magnification of 400×. (Scale bar: 50 µm.) (F) GMP, or vascular nest, by factor VIII staining in a prostate carcinoma (considered to represent VEGF-A–driven angiogenesis; magnification of 400×).