Fig. 3.
Proline and serine residues in the signature motifs of Aac2p. (A) The signature motif of H1 (cyan) and (B) of H3 (green) of Aac2p (chain A of P212121). Residues interacting with the side-chains are shown in line representation. Residues of the signature motif are shown in yellow. Hydrogen bonds involving backbone atoms are shown as thick black-dotted lines, hydrogen bonds not involving backbone atoms are shown as thin black-dotted lines. Salt bridges are shown as orange-dotted lines. The density, shown as a blue mesh, is a 2mFo-DFc map, contoured at 1 σ, and displayed within 2 Å of the atoms. In B, the unusual hydrogen bond from the side-chain of Ser147 to its own backbone amide is highlighted in red dots, and indicated by an arrowhead.