Antagonism between EV-086 and delta-9 unsaturated fatty acids. (a) Wild-type (wt) S. cerevisiae BY4743 and get1, ubx2, and mga2 deletion strains (BY4743 background) were prepared as suspensions and spotted onto YPD agar plates containing different concentrations of EV-086. Oleic acid and stearic acid were added to agar plates at the indicated concentrations. (b) Serial dilutions of EV-086 were combined with oleic acid, linoleic acid, or stearic acid in a checkerboard setup and inoculated with C. albicans ATCC 24433. Growth was recorded by visual inspection according to the following scale: 0, optically clear; 1, slightly hazy; 2, prominent decrease (50%) in visible growth; 3, slight reduction in visible growth; 4, no reduction in visible growth.