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. 2004 Mar 25;23(7):1516–1525. doi: 10.1038/sj.emboj.7600177

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Structural properties of APETx2. (A) Sequence alignments of APETx2, with K+ channel modulators from sea anemones. Black boxes indicate sequence identities and gray boxes sequence homologies with BDS-I and BDS-II (Anemonia sulcata), and APETx1 (Anthopleura elegantissima). The three disulfide bonds of APETx2, determined by the partial reduction/cyanylation method, are indicated. (B) Expected cleavage fragments of APETx2 and their calculated masses (average mass, M+H+) for singly reduced bonds according to the predicted disulfide bond arrangement. The masses in parenthesis were those observed after cleavage and reduction of peak 2a and peak 3b.