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. 2014 Feb;58(2):746–755. doi: 10.1128/AAC.02032-13


Risk factor analysis for antimicrobial-related severe adverse eventsa

Patient data SAEb (n = 30) No SAE (n = 170) P Univariate analysis
Multivariate analysis
OR (95% CI)c P OR (95% CI) P
Sex (male) 15 (50) 109 (64.1) 0.142 0.560 (0.256–1.222) 0.145 0.678 (0.300–1.533) 0.350
Age (median [IQR]) (yr) 67.4 (62.1–80.1) 57.4 (43.6–72.5) 0.001 1.451 (1.134–1.857)d 0.003 1.382 (1.075–1.775)d 0.011
Age > 60 yr 24 (80) 79 (46.5) <0.001
    Charlson score ≥2 10 (33.3) 51 (30.0) 0.714 1.167 (0.510–2.667) 0.715
    Obesity (BMI > 30) 8 (26.7) 31 (18.8) 0.283 1.572 (0.640–3.860) 0.324
    Denutrition (BMI < 18) 1 (3.3) 8 (4.7) 0.885 0.677 (0.082–5.617) 0.718
    Diabetes 3 (10) 24 (14.1) 0.749 0.676 (0.190–2.403) 0.545
    Immunodepression 4 (13.3) 19 (11.2) 0.975 1.223 (0.385–3.884) 0.733
    Nephropathy 5 (16.7) 23 (13.5) 0.865 1.278 (0.445–3.675) 0.649
    Hepatopathy 2 (6.7) 3 (1.8) 0.341 3.976 (0.636–24.872) 0.140 2.791 (0.429–18.147) 0.283
    Chronic pulmonary disease 8 (26.7) 22 (12.9) 0.052 2.446 (0.970–6.168) 0.058
    Chronic heart failure 4 (13.3) 19 (11.2) 0.975 1.223 (0.385–3.884) 0.733
    Chronic inflammatory disease 4 (13.3) 20 (11.8) 0.950 1.154 (0.365–3.649) 0.808
    Neoplasm/hemopathy 3 (10) 18 (10.6) 0.821 0.938 (0.259–3.405) 0.923
    Dementia 0 (0) 7 (4.1) 0.522 NCd NCd
BJI type
    Arthritis 3 (10) 12 (70.6) 0.852 1.463 (0.387–5.528) 0.575
    Osteomyelitis 3 (10) 16 (9.4) 0.813 1.069 (0.292–3.921) 0.919
    Vertebral osteomyelitis 6 (20) 26 (15.3) 0.705 1.385 (0.516–3.716) 0.518
    Orthopedic device infection 18 (60) 116 (68.2) 0.377 0.698 (0.314–1.552) 0.378
        Prosthetic-joint infection 15 (50) 61 (35.9) 0.142
        Osteosynthesis 1 (3.3) 43 (25.3) 0.015
        Vertebral osteosynthesis 2 (6.7) 8 (4.7) 1.000
        External fixator 0 (0) 3 (1.8) 0.933
        Other 0 (0) 1 (0.6) 0.356
Bone and joint infection mechanism
    Hematogenous (for clinician) 16 (53.3) 58 (34.1) 0.044 2.207 (1.007–4.835) 0.048 1.372 (0.554–3.400) 0.494
    Inoculation 13 (43.3) 108 (63.5) 0.037 0.439 (0.200–0.964) 0.040
    Contiguity 1 (3.3) 4 (2.4) 0.751 1.431 (0.154–13.262) 0.752
BJI diagnosis
    Fever 23 (76.7) 102 (60) 0.082 2.190 (0.891–5.388) 0.088
    Fistula 8 (26.7) 78 (46.4) 0.050 0.429 (0.181–1.017) 0.055 0.366 (0.233–1.710) 0.0.366
    Abscess 11 (36.7) 67 (39.4) 0.776 0.890 (0.398–1.988) 0.776
    Chronic BJI (>4 wk) 8 (26.7) 58 (34.1) 0.424 0.702 (0.294–1.675) 0.425
    Polymicrobial BJI 6 (20) 25 (14.7) 0.642 1.450 (0.539–3.903) 0.462
    Biological inflammatory syndrome 29 (96.7) 159 (93.5) 0.802 2.006 (0.249–16.140) 0.513
    No. with positive blood culture/no. of total cultures (% positive) 14/21 (66.7) 56/90 (62.2) 0.704 1.214 (0.446–3.309) 0.704
Initial hospitalization (median [IQR]) (wk) 7.1 (3.4–9.3) 3.0 (1.6–5.9) 0.003
Surgical treatment 24 (80.0) 139 (81.8) 0.818 0.892 (0.336–2.367) 0.819
Antibiotic use
    Delay from diagnosis to specialist referral (median [IQR]) (wk) 0.6 (0.0–1.6) 1.0 (0.0–3.3) 0.226 1.002 (0.998–1.006) 0.282
    Intravenous treatment 29 (96.7) 153 (90) 0.406 3.222 (0.413–25.167) 0.265
    Antimicrobial combination therapy 30 (100) 170 (100) NCe NC NC
Favorable clinical outcome 18 (60) 99 (59.6) 0.856

Results are presented as no. (%) unless otherwise noted. For the percentage calculation of each variable, the number of missing values was excluded from the denominator. Risk factors were assessed using a logistic binary regression model. Noninteracting variables with a P value of <0.15 in univariate analysis were included in the final model.


SAE, severe adverse events.


Odds ratio (95% confidence interval).


Odds ratio expressed for a 10-year increase in age.


NC, not calculable.