FIG 3.
Levels of β-galactosidase from a B. subtilis strain containing a disA-lacZ fusion (A) and compartmental synthesis of DisA-GFP in B. subtilis sporangia (B to D). (A) B. subtilis strain PERM733 (disA-lacZ) was grown at 37°C in DSM, and the OD600 was measured (●). Cell samples were collected during vegetative growth and at various times during sporulation and treated with lysozyme, and initial extracts were assayed for β-galactosidase (◊), as were extracts from initially lysozyme-resistant forespores (△), all as described in Materials and Methods. Values shown are averages of duplicate independent experiments ± standard deviations of the β-galactosidase specific activity. (B to D) B. subtilis strain PERM1008 (disA-gfp) was grown at 37°C in DSM. Cell samples collected 7 h after time zero (T0) were processed and photographed under fluorescence microscopy as described in Materials and Methods. (B) Bright field; (C) GFP channel; (D) overlay of the two images. T0 is the time when the slopes of the logarithmic and stationary phases of growth intersected. Arrows indicate mother cell (MC) and forespore (FS) compartments (B) and DisA-GFP (C).