FIG 4.
Schematic outline of the PCR amplification method used to examine deletion structure. Primer pairs P1 and P4 amplified DNA fragments on either side of the targeted FRT-flanked region. Primer pairs P2 and P3 amplified DNA fragments inside the FRT-targeted region. Amplified products were separated and visualized by agarose gel electrophoresis. Lanes 5 to 8, DNA from wild-type strain RmP110; lanes 1 to 4, DNA from the ΔB123 strain; lane 9, no template DNA control; lanes M, molecular weight marker (GeneRuler 1-kb DNA ladder; Fermentas). The upper band in lanes 1 to 8 is a DNA fragment from the chromosomal region of wild-type strain RmP110 amplified with primer pair P5.