FIG 5.
DDB2 influences the expression of early genes involved in viral DNA replication. (A and B) BJ and XPE fibroblasts were infected with HCMV at an MOI of 0.1. (A) Measurement of HCMV UL44, UL54, and UL84 transcript levels by qRT-PCR. BJ and XPE fibroblasts were infected with HCMV at an MOI of 0.1. Levels of HCMV gene transcript levels in XPE fibroblasts relative to those in BJ fibroblasts are shown. (B) Accumulation of early proteins associated with viral DNA replication is altered in XPE fibroblasts. Cells infected in panel A were assayed for pUL44 and pUL84 protein expression by immunoblot analysis. (C and D) Transient depletion of DDB2 affects UL44, UL54, and UL84 gene expression. HEL fibroblasts were transfected with the indicated siRNAs and infected with HCMV at an MOI of 0.1 24 h later. (C) Measurement of HCMV UL44, UL54, and UL84 transcript levels by qRT-PCR. HCMV gene transcript levels in siDDB2-treated fibroblasts relative to those in siCON-treated fibroblasts are shown. (D) Early protein expression associated with viral DNA replication is altered in siDDB2-treated cells. Cells infected in panel C were assayed for pUL44 and pUL84 protein expression by immunoblot analysis. (A and C) Mean values are shown, with bars denoting 1 standard deviation, for three independent experiments.