Breadth and functionality of Gag-specific T-cell responses in 15 controllers and 15 progressors. Controllers include seven elite controllers (viral load < 50 RNA copies/ml; black circles) and eight viremic controllers (viral load detectable but <2,000 RNA copies/ml; open circles). Progressors had median viral loads > 10,000 RNA copies/ml (gray squares). (A) Breadth was defined as the number of targeted epitopic regions, with responses to up to 4 consecutive 11mer peptides counted as a single epitopic region. Breadth values were calculated for all study subjects and compared between groups (P = 0.24). (B) Breadth of Gag-specific responses stratified by functionality and compared between groups for monofunctional IFN-γ (left column; P = 0.35) or IL-2 (middle column; P = 0.06) responses and dually functional IFN-γ/IL-2 responses (right column [***, P < 0.0001]). Responses were considered dually functional if any peptide in the epitopic region elicited a dual response. Ctrl, controllers; Prog, progressors.