FIG 4.
Comparative RT-qPCR of RNA isolated from shSCR, cGAS, STING, and TBK1 shRNA knockdown RAW264.7 shRNA cell pools infected with adenovirus. Data represent the results of two-step RT-qPCR of RNA isolated from mock- or Ad5CiG-infected RAW264.7 cell lines and shRNA knockdown cell pools harvested at 6 h pi. Results are shown for PCR primers corresponding to primary response genes IFN-β, ISG15, and ISG54 and secondary response-inducible transcripts STAT1, TNF-α, and IRF7 (A) and to shRNA-targeted genes (B). All samples were normalized to TBP using the ΔΔCT method as described in Materials and Methods. The value for scramble sample 1 was set as an arbitrary unit of 100.