FIG 1.
Primary structure of LLOV envelope GP. (A) Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of LLOV GP. Deduced amino acid sequences are shown in boldface letters. Blue, green, and yellow lines represent the signal peptide, MLR, and transmembrane domain predicted by GENETYX Ver.10, NetOGlyc, and TopPred 0.01, respectively. Purple and red letters represent the putative editing and cleavage sites, respectively. (B) Comparison of EBOV and LLOV MLRs. Potential O-glycosylation sites were predicted by NetOGlyc, and MLRs were defined as the regions between the first and last amino acid residues showing a score above the threshold (0.5). Arrows indicate the cleavage sites. (C) Western blotting of filovirus GPs. Proteins in the lysate of HEK293T cells transfected with the plasmid expressing LLOV GP (lanes 1 and 2), EBOV GP (lanes 3 and 4), MARV GP (lanes 5 and 6), or empty vector (lanes 7 and 8) were separated by SDS-PAGE under nonreducing (lanes 1, 3, 5, and 7) or reducing (lanes 2, 4, 6, and 8) conditions.