Figure 2.
Example RIP tracings and Konno-Mead plots of 1 control dog and 3 GRMD dogs. The raw output (volts) from the rib cage band (Vrc) and the adbomen band (Vab) are plotted against time in the rectangular boxes, and against each other in the square (Konno-Mead) boxes. The raw output was not calibrated or standardized. The control dog shows a synchronous pattern with coordination between rib cage and abdominal motion and the Konno-Mead plot has a positive slope. All control dogs and 3 GRMD dogs had similar patterns. GRMD Dogs 1-3 have two peaks of abdominal motion for each expansion of the rib cage. The first peak occurs at or near peak expansion of the rib cage. The second occurs during expiration. The size of the second abdominal peak is progressively larger compared with the first in these dogs. In total, five GRMD dogs had a pattern similar to GRMD Dog 1. The Konno-Mead plot shows a progressively deeper āCā shape in GRMD dogs 1 through 3. Tracings obtained from GRMD Dogs 2 and 3 without a face mask in place show relatively greater abnormal abdominal motion, with GRMD Dog 2 demonstrating complete paradoxical breathing.