ABI5 is stabilized by TAP46 and dephosphorylated by PP2A or PP2A-ls, and both ABI5 and TAP46 can interact with the C subunit(s) of PP2A in vivo. A, TAP46 stabilizes ABI5 and protects ABI5 from being dephosphorylated by phosphatases. OE1 indicates TAP46-overexpressing plants, tap46-1 indicates mutant, P-ABI5 indicates phosphorylated ABI5, and ABI5 indicates free ABI5. The concentration used for ABA and cantharidin was 10 µm. B, The relative abundance of the phosphorylated ABI5 band in TAP46-overexpressing, the wild type, and tap46-1 mutant in A. C, The relative abundance of the free ABI5 band in TAP46-overexpressing, the wild type, and tap46-1 mutant in A. The error bar was calculated based on four independent experiments performed. D Protein-protein interaction between ABI5 and C subunit(s) of PP2A as demonstrated by coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Plus or minus indicates with or without ABI5 antibodies in pulling down cellular proteins, input indicates cellular proteins directly loaded in the western-blot experiments, and the arrow indicates the C subunit(s) of PP2A. E, Protein-protein interaction between TAP46 and C subunit(s) of PP2A as demonstrated by coimmunoprecipitation experiments.