Figure 2. Age class distributions of dominant overstory trees.
Data are from US Forest Service Forest Inventory and Monitoring plots from forested areas protected from logging in A. the western (main) Sierra Nevada, B. the Klamath Region, C. the eastern Cascades and Sierra Nevada, D. the northern Rockies, E. the central/southern Rockies, and F. the southwestern USA. Shown in black bars is the current distributions of stand ages. Grey bars show an expected distribution (average age of dominant overstory trees with no fire exclusion), based on projecting the occurrence of the same age distributions that occurred from 1810–1889 into the most recent 80 year time period and rescaling these data. The number of plots by forest type are shown in the imbedded tables. Non-stocked stands are those lacking trees that grew after the fire that could be aged non-destructively.