(a–c). Wild type mice fed normal chow or 60% HFD, starting at weaning for 12–14 weeks.
a. Comparison of bodyweight gain in wild-type C57BL/6 mice on normal chow or the HFD. ***p<0.001, HFD group compared to chow fed group. (Student’s t-test)
b. Representative picture of mice and organs after chow or HFD feeding. Scale bar indicates 5mm
c. Wild-type mice develop AHR, as assessed by the response to increasing doses of methacholine. Results represent the changes in lung resistance (RL) as a measure of AHR. **p<0.01, and ***p<0.001, compared to chow fed group. (Two-way ANOVA).
Data are representative of at least three independent experiments. Error bars represent SEM.
d. 7 wks old ob/ob mice fed on normal chow diet develop AHR. Results represent the changes in lung resistance (RL) as a measure of AHR. *p<0.05, and **p<0.01, compared to wild type mice. (Two-way ANOVA).