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. 2014 Feb 4;8:6. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2014.00006

Algorithm 1.

Combining model equations and numerical integration method description to yield abstract code. Here, the differential equations in vector form are dx/dt = f(x, t) where x is the vector of state variables with components xv for variable v, and f is a vector function with corresponding components fv. All statements in the numerical integration method should be understood as referring to vectors of variables and vector functions.

for all statements σ in the numerical integration method do
      Expand f(x^_, t^_) in σ
      Replace xnew in σ by y
      for all state variables v do
        Append component σv of the transformed σ to code
      end for
end for
for all state variables v do
      Append xv = yv to code
end for