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. 2013 Jan 18;4:1–21. doi: 10.2147/AHMT.S15946

Table 3.

Association between the age at menarche and age at natural menopause

Author, study, country Population (N) Designa Menarche: definition/categories (y) Menopause: definition Analysis Findingsb
Benjamin (1960), South Africa108 NHW, clinical (1000) 2 Early: <13
Late: >14
12 m post menses Frequencies (no adj) NS
Jaszmann et al (1969), The Netherlands (Ede borough)109 42–62 y, residents, b 1905–1925 (3548) 3, mail questionnaire Nd LMP if 12 m post menses Probit analysis (no adj) NS
McKinlay et al (1972), England48 45–54 y, clinical (736) 3, mail questionnaire Early: <13
Late: >15
LMP if post menses > 3 m before study Frequencies (no adj) NS
Magurský et al (1975), Czechoslovakia110 38–58 y, residents (6877) 3, interview <10, 10–12, 12–14, 14–16, 16–18, >18 >1 y post menses Climacteric: >2 physical symptoms Correlation coefficient between median ages (no adj) NS
Brand and Lehert (1978),111 The Netherlands (Ede borough) 40–60 y, residents (3777) 3, mail questionnaire Nd LMP if 12 m post menses AID segmentation analysis (no adj) NS
van Keep et al (1979)100
Second report on same borough as Jaszmann et al105 and Brand and Lehert,111 The Netherlands (Ede borough)
40–60 y, residents (1196) 3, mail questionnaire Early: <12
Late: >17
LMP if 12 m post menses χ2 (no adj) Inverse
Neri et al (1982), Israel112 >40 y, Europeans, Africans, Israelis, Arabs (1197) 3, doctor-administered questionnaire Nd “Last bleeding” ANOVA – adj for ethnicity NS
Stanford et al (1987), BCDDP, USA113 NHW control group (3497) 3, interview ≤11, 12, 13, ≥14 LMP if post menses > 3 months before study Mantel–Cox test (no adj) NS
Okonofua et al (1990), Nigeria114 44–87 y, Yoruba residents, clinical sample (563) 3, questionnaire Nd Nd Regression (no adj) NS
Whelan et al (1990), Treloar’s study, USA115 Multiple age and generation cohorts (561) 1, with >19 y of records <12, 12–14, ≥15 Nd LR – adj for parity and median cycle length at age 20–35 y NS
Parazzini et al (1992), Italy116 55–74 y, control group from hospitals (863) 3, interview ≤11, 12–14, ≥15 Nd Univariate trend analysis (no adj) NS
Chompootweep et al (1993), Thailand117 45–59 y, health-center clients (1327) 3, interview Continuous variable LMP if 12 m post menses Correlation coefficient (no adj) NS
Beşer et al (1994), Turkey118 40–54 y, population based 3, home interview ≤15, >15 12 m post menses Difference in means test NS
Boulet et al (1994), Southeast Asia107 40–60 y, clinical and resident volunteers in seven countries (2181) 3, questionnaire by interview in six to seven countries Nd LMP if 12 m post menses Perimenopausal if cycle irregular in last 12 m LR Inverse
Torgerson et al (1994), CHI, UK119 NHW, 45–49 y, population based (2074) 3, mail questionnaire Nd Two definitions: LMP if 6, or 12, m post menses χ2 (no adj) NS
Cramer et al (1995), USA101 45–54 y, residents, 344 cases and 344 controls (688) 3, home interview Early: ≤11,
12–13, ≥=14
LMP OR (no adj) Direct
van Noord et al (1997), DOM, The Netherlands91 Cohort subsample, b1911–1925(4686) 1, fifth-round questionnaire Continuous variable LMP if 12 m post menses “Early”/bottom vs “late”/top tertiles t-test (no adj) NS
Rizk et al (1998), United Arab Emirates120 >40 y, population based (742) 3, staff-administered questionnaire Nd 6 m post menses Correlation coefficient (no adj) NS
Snieder et al (1998), UK69 256 MZ and 269 DZ twin pair volunteers (1050) 3, nurse-administered questionnaire Continuous variable Age at LMP Pearson r-statistic (no adj) NS
Kato et al (1998), NYU Women’s Health Study, USA121 Subsample of 34–65 y (4694) 1, baseline and follow-up data ≤11, 12, 13, ≥14 6 m post menses Cox PHM – adj for age NS
Hardy and Kuh (1999), 1946 MRC birth cohort, UK102 Born in 1 week in March 1946, mail questionnaires (1060) 1, five rounds (censored data) ≤ 11, 12–14, “Late”: ≥15 LMP if 12 m post menses Perimenopause is LMP if 3–12 m without period, or date when cycle irregular in last 12 m Cox PHM – adj for parity, OC use, oophorectomy Direct (for perimenopause)
Nagata et al (2000), Takayama Study, Japan103 Resident volunteers (1130) 1 ≤ 12, 13–14, 15–16 “Late”: ≥17 LMP if 12 m post menses Cox PHM – adj for age Direct
Meschia et al (2000), ICARUS, Italy122 ≥55 y, clinical (4300) 1, baseline data ≤11, 12, 13, 14, ≥15 ≥12 m post menses ANCOVA–adj for BMI, smoking, parity NS
Cooper et al (2001), NHANES III, USA123 35–49 y, with natural menopause (1696) 3, interview, questionnaire 8–10, 11–13, 14–15, 16–19 LMP if 12 m post menses LR – adj for age, smoking, oophorectomy NS
Reynolds and Obermeyer (2001), Lebanon124 45–55 y, population based (298) 3, in-person interviews Nd Cessation of menses (self-report) LR (no adj) NS
Palmer et al (2003), Black Women’s Health Study, USA125 Cohort members (17,070) 1, mailed questionnaires at two time points <11, 11, 12–13, 14, ≥15 Cessation of periods (self-report) Cox PHM – adj for smoking, parity, OC, education, BMI, oophorectomy, physical activity NS
Rödström et al (2003), Gothenburg study, Sweden93 Population based, five birth cohorts (1017) 1, examinations/questionnaires at five time points Continuous variable 12 m post menses MLR – adj for birth cohort, smoking, parity, BMI, social class, education Direct
Ozdemir and Cöl (2004), Turkey104 50–65 y, residents in catchment area (204) 3, in-person interview Early: ≤ 13
Late: ≥14
LMP if 12 m post menses Perimenopausal if cycle/flow irregular in last 12 m χ2 (no adj) Direct
Nagel et al (2005), EPIC-Heidelberg, Germany126 Subsample of 35–65 y (5110) 1, questionnaires at two time points <11, 12, 13, 14, ≥15 12 m post menses Cox PHM – adj for age NS
Parazzini (2007), Italy105 >55 y, clinical (31,834) 3, clinical exam, interview ≤11, 12, 13, 14, ≥15 ≥12 m post menses χ2 – adj for age Direct
Kaczmarek (2007), Cross-national study of health and quality of life in middle-aged women (WOMID), Poland95 35–65 y, volunteers (7183) 3, questionnaire Early: <14
Late: ≥14
LMP if 12 m post menses Perimenopausal if bleeding stopped for 3–12 m or if cycle irregular in last 12 m MLR – adj for education, usual cycle length, OC, parity, smoking, health status Direct
Henderson et al (2008), Multiethnic Cohort Study, USA87 Subsample of 45–74 y, NHW, NHB, Latinas, Japanese-Americans, Hawaiians (95,704) 1, baseline (censored data) <11, 11–12, 13–14, 15–16, ≥17 Cessation of bleeding or age started hormone therapy or surgical menopause Cox PHM – adj for ethnicity, smoking, parity, BMI Direct
Dorjgochoo et al (2008), Shanghai Women’s Health Study, China106 40–70 y, residents (33,054) 1, baseline data ≤11, 12–13, 14–15, ≥16 LMP if 12 m post menses MLR – adj for age, education, occupation, income, marital status, employment, energy intake, weight gain, smoking, physical activity Direct
Dratva et al (2009), ECRHS and SAPALDIA, Europe94 Random sample of adult populations (5288) 1, questionnaire (censored data) Continuous variable 12 m post menses Cox PHM – adj for countries, cohort Direct
Sammel et al (2009), Penn Ovarian Aging Studies, USA88 35–47 y, population-based (436) 1, questionnaires at ten points Continuous variable Five stages of menopausal transition Markov transition models (no adj) NS
Otero et al (2010), Pró-Saúde Study, Brazil127 >35 y, university employees (1462) 1, questionnaire ≤11, ≥12 >12 m post menses Perimenopausal if post menses < 6 m, or 6–12 m before study Cox PHM – adj for parity, education, smoking NS



1, cohort; 2, case-control; 3, cross-sectional.


“Inverse” indicates early menarche associated with late menopause and/or late menarche associated with early menopause; “direct” indicates early menarche associated with early menopause and/or late menarche associated with late menopause.

Abbreviations: adj, adjusted; ANCOVA, analysis of covariance; ANOVA, analysis of variance; b, born; BCDDP, Human Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project; BMI, body mass index; CHI, Community Health Index; Cox PHM, Cox proportional hazard model; DOM, Doorlopend Onderz oek Morbidi teit/Mortaliteit Study; DZ, dizygotic; ECRHS, European Respiratory Health Survey; ICARUS, Italian Climacteric Research Group Study; LMP, last menstrual period; LR, logistic regression; m, month/s; MLR, multivariate linear regression; MZ, monozygotic; Nd, not described; NHB, non-Hispanic black; NHW, non-Hispanic white; no adj, no adjustment in analyses/models; NS, not significant/no association; OC, oral contraceptive; OR, odds ratio; RR, relative risk; SAPALDIA, Swiss Air Pollution and Lung Disease in Adults Cohort; y, year/s.