Increased cycling of IEX-1 KO LSK cells in non-irradiated WT mice. WT and KO LSK cells were labeled with DiI (blue) or DiD (red) dye, respectively, mixed in equal numbers, and i.v. injected into non-irradiated WT mice. Intravital microscopy was used to scan the region of mouse calvari-um within the frontal bones on day 7 after the transfer. Shown in (A) are two blue WT cells, two dividing red IEX-1 KO cells (circle), and one non-dividing IEX-1 KO cell. Green and white fluorescent areas are bone and vasculature, respectively. Average percentages ± SD of dividing cells were determined in 25 imaging stacks with a total of 200 randomly selected cells counted (B). ***, P< 0.001 in the presence or absence of IEX-1.