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. 2014 Feb;85(2):237–248. doi: 10.1124/mol.113.089631


Crystallographic statistics

Low completeness values reflect the fact that an elliptical mask was applied prior to scaling was used to accommodate highly anisotropic diffraction data (Lodowski et al., 2003). Without the mask, data had 82.4% overall completeness and 82% in the highest resolution shell for 4MK0 and 100% overall completeness and 100% completeness in the highest resolution shell for 4L9I.

Protein Complex GRK2·CCG-206584–Gβγ GRK1·Paroxetine
X-ray source LS-CAT ID-D LS-CAT ID-G
Wavelength (Å) 1.1272 1.0793
Dmin(Å) 19.99-2.4 (2.44-2.4) 29.9-2.32 (2.36-2.32)
Space group C2221 P 212121
Cell constants a=61.2, b=240.9, c=212.0 a=66. 8, b=122.1, c=152.9
Unique reflections 30794 54845
Rsym (%) 10.6 (39.0) 10.9 (94.9)
Completeness (%) 49.9 (1.0) 36.9 (0.8)
I/σI 61.7/4.0 (7.0/3.0) 49.7/1.8 (5.4/2.0)
Redundancy 5.0 (2.8) 9.1 (9.2)
Refinement resolution (Å) 20.0-2.4 (2.47-2.4) 29.9-2.32 (2.38-2.32)
Total reflections used 29,079 51,966
RMSD bond lengths (Å) 0.004 0.009
RMSD bond angles (°) 0.875 1.4
Est. coordinate error (Å) 0.409 0.30
Ramachandran plot
Most favored, outliers (%) 94.1, 0.1 96.7, 0.1
Rwork 19.5 (38.3) 18.8 (24.5)
Rfree 24.6 (81.1) 22.9 (28.8)
Protein atoms 8235 7894
Water molecules 147 309
Inhibitor atoms 25 48
Average B-factor (Å2): 55.3 23.4
Protein 55.9 19.4
Inhibitor 50 20.8
MolProbity score 1.28 (100th percentile) 1.37 (100th percentile)
MolProbity Ramachandran outlier 1 1
MolProbity Cβ deviations 0 0
MolProbity bad backbone bonds 0 0
MolProbity bad backbone angles 0 0