Figure 5. c-myc regulates lens epithelial cells proliferation.
Immunohistochemistry for pH3 (A–B) and PCNA (D–E) were performed in control (c-mycCtrl) and c-myc-deficient (c-mycLe-Cre) lens sections at E13.5 followed by methylgreen nuclear counterstaining. Proportions of pH3 immunopositive cells (arrows) (C) and PCNA immunopositive cells (F) were scored within lens epithelial cells (c-mycLe-Cre; n = 5; c-mycCtrl; n = 4). Inactivation of c-myc reduced the proportion of proliferating cells within lens tissue in vivo. Error bars indicate SEM. A t-test resulted in * p<0, 05; ** p<0, 01.