Figure 5. Spatial Distribution of Firing Rates on the Treadmill Depends on Time.
Each row represents the spatial distribution of firing rates for a single neuron during treadmill running. The left-most panel on each row shows the overall firing rate map (spatial tuning curve) for the entire time on the treadmill. The remaining five panels show the firing rate map for each of five evenly divided bins of time spent on the treadmill. The light gray and dark gray outlines indicate the extent of AAT and A75 (respectively) for that session. Both outlines are duplicated across panels to aid comparison. In each rate map: white represents areas that were not visited by the rat during that period of time; blue represents no firing (zero spikes per second) in a visited location; red represents peak firing for that particular neuron. The number in the upper-left corner of the first panel indicates peak firing rate in spikes per second (Hz). The color scale is consistent across panels within a row to allow for comparison across panels. See Figure S1 for additional examples.