Figure 6.
Fewer macrophages and lower levels of inflammatory factors are detected in tumors from CTSK KO mice. (a) F4/80 (macrophage marker) immunostaining of tumor-bearing tibia sections from WTand CTSK KO mice. Left panels: NovaRed (brownish-red) F4/80 staining; × 20 images; right panels: immunofluorescence labeling (F4/80, red fluorescence; DAPI, blue); bar, 20µm; arrows indicate macrophages. (b) Left panel: Vertical scatter plot of F4/80-positive macrophages/field in tumor sections derived from WT and CTSK KO mice (four tumor sections/ group; four fields/section). Data were analyzed by Mann–Whitney test; P<0.001 indicates high significance. Right panel: TaqMan RT–PCR results for murine F4/80 in WTand CTSK KO tumors. F4/80 expression was normalized to two housekeeping genes: GUSB and HPRT1. Data are shown as mean of three biological replicates (RNA from three mice) ± s.d. Significant differences in F4/80 levels are found between WT and CTSK KO microenvironments. (c) Host genes upregulated in response to tumor challenge. TaqMan RT–PCR results for COX-2, CCL2, CTSB and CTSS. Data are normalized to GUSB and HPRT1 and shown as fold increase in tumor-bearing tibiae relative to corresponding control tibiae from the same mouse. Results represent a mean of three biological replicates ± s.d. Values P<0.001, and P<0.05 indicate significance.