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. 2013 Nov 25;99(2):448–454. doi: 10.1210/jc.2013-2942

Table 1.

Characteristics of Patients Diagnosed With MTC Between 1998 and 2005 (n = 2968)

Characteristics n (%)
Patient characteristics
        Male 1230 (41.4)
        Female 1738 (58.6)
    Age, y
        < 30 214 (7.2)
        31–64 1939 (65.3)
        > 65 815 (27.5)
        White 2560 (86.3)
        Black 247 (8.3)
        Other 105 (3.5)
        Unknown 56 (1.9)
        Yes 174 (5.9)
        No 2551 (85.9)
        Unknown 243 (8.2)
        Private/Government 1863 (62.8)
        Medicare 731 (24.6)
        Medicaid 107 (3.6)
        Uninsured 93 (3.1)
        Unknown 174 (5.9)
        <$30 000 367 (12.4)
        $30 000–34 999 465 (15.6)
        $35 000–45 999 730 (24.6)
        $46 000+ 1220 (41.1)
        Unknown 186 (6.3)
    Education level less than high school diploma, %
        29+ 427 (14.4)
        20–28.9 627 (21.1)
        14–19.9 645 (21.7)
        <14 1083 (36.5)
        Unknown 186 (6.3)
    Rural-urban continuum
        Metropolitan population 2302 (77.6)
        Other 472 (15.9)
        Unknown 194 (6.5)
Tumor characteristics
    Size, cm
        < 1 571 (19.2)
        1.1–2.0 717 (24.2)
        2.1–4.0 1023 (34.5)
        >4.0 527 (17.7)
        Unknown 130 (4.4)
    Distant metastases
        Yes 329 (11.1)
        No 2639 (88.9)
        Total thyroidectomy 2465 (83.0)
        Lobectomy 302 (10.2)
        No surgery 201 (6.8)
    Regional lymph nodes resected
        Yes 1952 (65.8)
        No 963 (32.4)
        Unknown 53 (1.8)
    Regional lymph nodes positive
        Yes 1141 (38.4)
        No 806 (27.2)
        Unknown 1021 (34.4)

The unknown category for regional lymph nodes positive includes patients that didn't have lymph nodes resected (n = 963), patients that had lymph nodes resected but the presence of metastases was unknown (n = 5), and patients with resection unknown (n = 53).