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. 2013 Nov 23;137(2):323–334. doi: 10.1093/brain/awt321

Table 1.

Summary of Newcastle patient cohort and available data in literature

With NMDAS Without NMDAS Our cohort (Total) Meta-analysis
Number of patients with mitochondrial DNA deletion size and muscle mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy data 55 32 87 256
Number of patients with mitochondrial DNA breakpoints identified 52 31 83 184
Number of patient with age at onset data 52 8 60 117
Number of patients with age at onset data and mitochondrial DNA breakpoints identified 49 7 56 83
Number of patients with COX-deficient fibre density data and mitochondrial DNA breakpoints identified 49 23 72 40
Number of patients presenting with a CPEO, CPEO + myopathy or KSS phenotype 36 27 63 205
Number of patients presenting with a CPEO, CPEO + myopathy or KSS phenotype and mitochondrial DNA breakpoints identified 35 26 61 149

All patients have skeletal muscle heteroplasmy and deletion size data available. Where gene location is under investigation the sub-cohort of patients with identified mitochondrial DNA breakpoints is used; where location is not under consideration, the larger cohort with mitochondrial DNA deletion size is used. The small cohort of patients with phenotype data reflects the fact that patients with a multisystem phenotype are excluded from the phenotype analysis, so this number is restricted to patients with CPEO, CPEO + myopathy, or Kearns-Sayre (KSS) syndrome. The patients with NMDAS data available had a median of five assessments (interquartile range 5).