The bar diagrams depict absolute percentages ± SD of LT- and ST-HSC in the BM of controls (white bars) and leukaemic mice (black bars).
Absolute percentages ± SD of CLP cells in the BM from controls (white bar) and leukaemic mice (black bar).
Absolute percentages ± SD of CMP, GMP and MEP in the BM from controls (white bar) and leukaemic mice (black bar).
Flow cytometric analysis of LT- and ST-HSC from controls (white squares), GFP− (black dots) and GFP+ (green dots) leukaemic animals. LT- and ST-HSC frequencies are represented as relative percentage within the 7AAD−, GFP+/−, lineage−, c-Kit+, Sca1+, CD150+, CD48−, CD34+/− BM fraction.
Flow cytometric analysis of control (white squares) or GFP− (black dots) and GFP+ (green dots) CLP obtained from leukamic mice. CLP frequencies are represented as relative percentage within the 7AAD−, GFP+/−, lineage−, c-Kitint, Sca1int, IL7 receptor α+ BM fraction.
Flow cytometric analysis of controls (white squares) or GFP− (black dots) and GFP+ (green dots) CMP, GMP and MEP obtained from leukaemic mice. CMP are represented as relative percentage of CD34+, Fcγ receptor II/IIIlow, GMP as CD34+, Fcγ receptor II/III+ and MEP as CD34−, Fcγ receptor II/IIIlow cells within the 7AAD−, GFP+/−, lineage−, c-Kit+, Sca1−, IL7 receptor α− BM fraction.