Figure 5.
(A–F) Affected ileal specimens from Crohn’s disease (CD) patients. (A–E) CD34 immunoperoxidase labelling with haematoxylin counterstain. (F) Double immunofluorescence labelling for CD34 (green) and c-kit (red). (A and B) Muscularis propria. Telocytes (TC) maintain their morphology and distribution around and along smooth muscle fibres in a spared area of muscularis propria (A, left side; B, upper side), while they are not present in the close damaged area (A, right side; B, lower side). (C–F) Myenteric plexus. (C) Irregular distribution of ganglia (asterisks) between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers. (D and E) The TC network around ganglia (arrows) and enteric strands in intergangliar regions is discontinuous or even completely absent. (F) A discontinuous network of CD34-positive TC and c-kit-positive ICC is present around myenteric plexus ganglia. TC and ICC are almost completely absent in muscle layers, while many CD34-positive microvessels (arrows) are evident. MP: myenteric plexus. Scale bars are indicated in each panel.