Table 1.
Description of three subtypes characterised by GGIs
Subtypes | Regional distribution of oligodendroglial inclusions | GOIs | CBs | GAIs | AHC | Clinical features | Common clinical diagnoses | Previous reports |
Type I | FT | +++ | + | + | - | FLF and/or Dem | FTD, PiD | [1-3, 6, 10, 13, 18, 21] |
Type II | MTR and/or CST | ++ | ++ | + | ± | FLF, PF and/or EPF | PSP, CBS, MND, PLS | [1, 12] |
Type III | FT, MTR and/or CST | ++ | ++ | +++ | ++ | FLF, Dem, MND and/or EPF | PSP, CBS, MND | [7, 20] |
GOIs globular oligodendroglial inclusions, CBs coiled body-type inclusions, GAIs globular astrocytic inclusion, AHC anterior horn cell involvement (neuronal loss and tau pathology), FT frontotemporal, FLF frontal-lobe features, Dem dementia, FTD frontotemporal dementia, PiD Pick's disease, MTR motor cortex, CST corticospinal tract, PF pyramidal features, EPF extrapyramidal features, PSP progressive supranuclear palsy, CBS corticobasal syndrome, PLS primary lateral sclerosis, MND motor neuron disease features, - negative/absent, + low severity, ++ moderate severity, +++ high severity