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. 2013 Dec 11;34(2):208–214. doi: 10.1038/jcbfm.2013.211

Table 2. Studies evaluating the effect of stress on stroke recovery in animals.

Author/Year Species No. of animals Stroke model Stressor When initiated Frequency Estimated Cohen's da for stroke versus stroke+stress Duration (minutes) Conclusion
Faraji et al40 Rat 27 Endothelin-1 (ET-1) induced mini stroke- hippocampus Restraintb 4-5 days poststroke Daily for 15 days Memory test d=1.73 60 Stress and corticosterone reduced the severity of memory impairment and anatomic pathology produced by hippocampal mini stroke.
Faraji et al41 Rat 50 ET-1 induced mini stroke in the hippocampus Restraint 4-5 days poststroke Daily for 21 days d=Insufficient details provided 60 Repeated restraint stress enhanced spatial cognition recovery in rats after focal stroke in the hippocampus.
Faraji et al42 Rat 22 ET-1 induced mini stroke in the hippocampus Restraint 2-3 days post stroke Daily for 21 days Reaching d=4.30 60 Focal stroke in the ventrolateral striatum, and restraint stress acted synergistically to impair motor but not spatial performance in rats.
Jin et al43 Rat 60 Photothrombotic ischemic injury in the sensorimotor cortex Restraint 1 day poststroke Daily for 5 days Beam walking d=3.31 120 Stress after stroke led to increased infarct volume, increased apoptotic cell death, and poorer functional recovery.
Kirkland et al44 Rat 78 Devascularization lesion of the motor cortex Restraint Prestress group-15 days prestroke, Post stress gp- 1 day poststroke Daily for 15 days Reaching d=1.87 20 Chronic restraint stress before or after stroke, impaired motor recovery and compensation, poststroke stress increased infarct size and edema in rats.
Kirkland et al45 Rat 32 Devascularization lesion of the motor cortex Restraint 1 day poststroke Daily for 15 days Reaching d=1.59 20 Chronic stress and corticosterone treatment impaired motor skill recovery and promoted compensatory movement strategies in a task-specific manner.
Merrett et al46 Rat 29 Devascularization lesion of the motor cortex Restraint 7 days prestroke Daily for 28 days Reaching d=1.29 20 Stress reduced motor function recovery after stroke in rats, with aged rats displaying greater functional impairment.
Wang et al89 Rat 30 Middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) Chronic mild stress (CMS)- food and water deprivation, 45° cage tilt, overnight illumination, soiled cage, swimming in 4°C water, foot shock, tail pinch, paired caging. Poststroke time not specified Day and night for 18 days Cell survival in dentate gyrus d=11.38 Variable CMS induced depressive behaviors in rats subjected to stroke and this was accompanied by reduced neurogenesis and altered neurogenic fate by increasing the differentiation of neural progenitor cells to glial lineage cells.
Zucchi et al48 Rat 59 Devascularization lesion of the motor cortex Restraint/variable (restraint, overcrowding, forced swimming, foot shock, saline injection, shaking, fox odor, social isolation). 7 days pre stroke Daily for 21 days Reaching d=0.62 20 Predictable restraint stress led to more pronounced motor impairments than unpredictable variable stress in skilled motor tasks before and after stroke.
Zucchi et al47 Rat 22 Devascularization lesion of the motor cortex Restraint 7 days pre stroke Daily for 28 days Reaching d=1.10 20 Stress induced greater impairment and diminished recovery of motor function, which was related to increased glucocorticoid receptor activation in a rat model.

Where data (means and s.d.) necessary for the calculation of Cohen's d were not explicitly reported in text, they were estimated from the figures provided in the manuscript.


Restraint involved animals being placed in a transparent Plexiglass tube (5 to 7.5 cm diameter).