Fig. 4.
Abdominal-B.r, not Abdominal-B.m is responsible for the Eagle pattern phenotype. (A-D) Flat preparations (maximum projections) of St12e, St12m and St13 embryos of the indicated genotype double- or triple-stained as illustrated. PSs are depicted on the right and their borders are illustrated by a solid line. Wild-type NB7-3 cells are in all cases marked by yellow arrowheads. (B-D) Ectopic NB7-3 clones in PS15 are surrounded by broken lines and indicated by white arrowheads. Ectopic NB6-4 neuronal subclones in PS14 are marked by white arrows. (C,D) Gooseberry-proximal (Gsb-p) served as an alternative segmental marker and is expressed anterior to and partially overlapping with En posteriorly (Gutjahr et al., 1993). (C′,D′) Red channel only. ML, midline.