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. 2013 Sep 15;140(18):3915–3926. doi: 10.1242/dev.094714

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.

Female post-embryonic Ilp7 neurons are glutamatergic motoneurons that terminate at type I-like NMJs on oviduct muscle. (A,A′) OK371-GAL4,UAS-nEGFP (VGlut reporter) was expressed in Fkh-negative post-embryonic Ilp7 neurons (arrowheads) but not Fkh-positive embryonic Ilp7 neurons (arrows). Arrows/arrowheads indicate representative neurons of each Ilp7 subset. (B,C) Number of eggs laid per female (mean±s.e.m.) over 6 hours. n, number of egg-lay assays. (B) VGluTdsRNAi expression in Ilp7 neurons reduced egg laying (control 23.8±10.9; experimental 3.2±7.7; *P<0.0001). (C) VGluTdsRNAi expression in octopaminergic neurons (TDC2-GAL4) did not affect egg laying (control 28.5±7.2; experimental 26.2±7.9). (D-K) Images of Ilp7 neuronal synapses on the oviduct. (D-F) Ilp7-GAL4,UAS-mCD8::GFP-labeled axons and synaptic boutons co-labeled with anti-HRP (general neuronal marker) and anti-Ilp7 (D), anti-VGlut (E) and anti-Bruchpilot (Brp) (F). (G) CD8-GFP-Shaker (type I NMJ marker) is localized to Ilp7 synaptic boutons. (H-K) The following NMJ markers are localized to CD8-GFP-Shaker-labeled Ilp7 NMJs: anti-Dlg (type I NMJ marker) (H), GluRIIC (I), GluRIIA (J) and GluRIIB (K).