Impaired IRE1α activity leads the upregulation of PER1 mRNA. A, expression of PER1 and PER2 mRNA was measured by PCR in control (EV) and IRE1_DN U87 cells as well as U87 cells subjected to IRE1α silencing, XBP1 silencing, or luciferase silencing as control (GL2) by siRNA for 72 hours (insets). PER1 and PER2 mRNA levels were normalized to RPLP0 levels (t test; *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.001). B, U87 cells were transiently transfected with increasing concentrations of plasmids encoding for WT-IRE1α or DN K599A IRE1α, followed by mRNA extraction. The expression of PER1 and Gapdh was assessed by RT-PCR. C, PER1 and tubulin protein levels in empty vector and IRE1_DN cells.