Figure 5.
(a) Clusters incorporating at least one stromal cell are considered stromalized. (b) Distributions of cluster sizes and displacements for stromalized and unstromalized clusters in five test simulations (ats = 1.0) versus control (ats = 0) for a low-noise condition. Clusters in the control simulations varied in size but are uniformly far-migrating. In the test simulations, stromalized clusters tended to be larger than unstromalized clusters, though they showed greater variance in displacement. (c) Distributions of cluster sizes and displacements for stromalized and unstromalized clusters in five test simulations (ats = 1.0) versus control (ats = 0) for a medium-noise condition. Unstromalized clusters in test simulations distributed similarly to clusters in control simulations both in terms of size and displacement. Stromalized clusters in test simulations distributed distinctively from the unstromalized and control clusters, displaying greater displacement and cluster size overall. (d) Distributions of cluster sizes and displacements for stromalized and unstromalized clusters in five test simulations (ats = 1.0) versus control (ats = 0) for a high-noise condition. Stromalized and unstromalized clusters from the test simulations distributed similarly with respect to displacement, with stromalized clusters being larger overall. Cells in the control simulations formed large, nonmotile clusters owing to being unable to significantly migrate from their points of origin. In the test simulations, tumour–stromal interactions break the cells into small, motile clusters.