Expected rates of false positives (light grey) and false negatives (black) for groups that consist of Condorcet juries or of various combinations of PLUS- and MINUS-animals (i.e. ratios of 0 : 1, 1 : 3, 1 : 1, 3 : 1 and 1 : 0 PLUS : MINUS-animals, respectively). The probability p(k) (that option PLUS is the correct choice in the kth environmental situation) follows a uniform distribution. Note, the degree of conflict is maximal if the proportion of PLUS- and MINUS-animals is equal (i.e. at 1 PLUS: 1 MINUS-animal on the x-axes). The rates are given for different levels of individual expertise (a–c: low expertise, n = 3; d–f: medium expertise, n = 7; to save space, results for high expertise n = 25 are not shown but are qualitatively similar); and for different numbers of decision-makers (a/d: m = 4; b/e: m = 8; c/f: m = 24).