Extinction, coexistence and ER in a two-consumer–one-resource system subjected to evolutionary change. (a) Minimal evolutionary change allows N1 to outcompete N2 (z1 = z2 = 0.0; ν1 = 0.001; ν2 = 0.0). (c) N1 and N2 coexist despite strong, cyclical evolutionary change of N2's FR (z1 = z2 = −0.05; ν1 = 0.0; ν2 = 1.0). (e) ER. Through adaptive trait evolution N2 can equalize the competitive advantage that N1 gains through environmental change (z1 = 0.0; z2 = 0.05; ν1 = 0.0; ν2 = 0.005). Consumer N1: blue; consumer N2: red; temperature change: black; FR parameters α1, α2: light blue, yellow; resource concentrations omitted for clarity. (b,d,f) Changes of FRs owing to change of parameters αi during dynamic scenarios (a,c,e), respectively. FR of N1 at t = 0: dark blue; maximum change of FR of N2: light blue (covers dark blue curve in (b)); FR of N2 at t = 0: red; maximum changes of FR of N2: yellow. Note that FRs fluctuate between steeper and flatter curves under scenario (c).