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. 2014 Jan 19;2014:627863. doi: 10.1155/2014/627863

Table 1.

Description of cognitive function outcome measures.

Task Acronym Outcome measure Description
Big/little circle BLC Mean correct latency (ms) Speed of response showing how quickly participant touched the correct stimulus after it was displayed on the screen
Mean percent correct (%) Percent of total correct responses
Reaction time RTI Five-choice movement time (ms) Time taken to touch correct stimulus after release of the press pad
Five-choice reaction time (ms) Speed with which participant releases press pad in response to stimulus at one of five locations

Visual Memory
Delayed matching to sample DMS Percent correct (all delays) (%) Percent of correct stimulus selection after stimulus was hidden at delays of 0 s, 4 s, and 12 s
Percent correct (simultaneous) (%) Percent of correct stimulus selection during simultaneous presentation of target stimulus and distractors
Mean correct latency (all delays) Average speed of response where correct stimulus was selected in trials in which stimulus was hidden at delays of 0 s, 4 s, and 12 s
Mean correct latency (simultaneous) Average speed of response where correct stimulus was selected in trials with simultaneous presentation of target stimulus and distractors
Paired associates learning PAL Mean trials to success Total number of trials required to correctly locate patterns/number of successfully completed stages
Total errors (adjusted) Total number of errors with adjustment for each stage not attempted due to previous failure
Total trials (adjusted) Total number of presentations required to correctly locate patterns in all stages
Pattern recognition memory PRM Percent correct Percent correct responses
Mean correct latency (ms) Mean time to respond correctly

Executive Function/Set-Shifting and Working Memory
Intra/extradimensional set-shifting IED Stages completed Number of stages completed out of nine possible
Pre-ED errors Number of errors prior to the extradimensional shift
EDS errors Errors made in the extradimensional stage
Spatial working memory SWM Strategy Number of times participant begins a search with the same box for 6- and 8-box problems
Between errors (4, 6, and 8 boxes) Times the participant revisits a box in which a token was previously found; errors calculated for 4-, 6-, and 8-box trials

Executive Function/Spatial Planning
Stockings of Cambridge SOC Problems solved in minimum moves Number of times participant successfully completed a test problem in the minimum possible number of moves
Mean initial thinking time (2, 3, 4, and 5 moves) Time taken to plan a problem solution for trials requiring 2, 3, 4, and 5 moves
Mean subsequent thinking time (2, 3, 4, and 5 moves) Speed of movement after the initial move has been made for trials requiring 2, 3, 4, and 5 moves

Decision Making and Response Control
Affective go/no-go AGN Mean correct latency Mean time taken to respond correctly to each target word stimulus in all assessed blocks.
Total omissions Total number of missed responses to targets in all assessed blocks
Total commissions Total number of responses to distractors in all assessed blocks

Verbal Learning and Memory
Verbal recognition memory VRM Immediate free recall total correct Total number of words correctly recalled immediately following presentation of word list
Immediate free recall total novel words Total number of words recalled immediately following presentation of word list that were not a part of the list
Immediate free recall total perseverations Total number of times a previously correctly recalled word is repeated immediately following presentation of word
Immediate recognition total correct Total number of words correctly recalled during presentation of word list that includes correct targets and distractors
Immediate recognition total false positives Total number of distractors endorsed as correct responses during presentation of word list that includes correct targets and distracters
Delayed recognition total correct Total number of words correctly recalled during presentation of word list that includes correct targets and distractors following 20 min delay from original presentation of word list
Delayed recognition total false positives Total number of distractors endorsed as correct responses during presentation of word list that includes correct targets and distractors following 20 min delay from original presentation of word list