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. 2014 Jan 20;2014:527472. doi: 10.1155/2014/527472

Table 1.

Engine Performance for WiDE under various testing conditions.

Reference Engine type and loading conditions % of water Surfactant used Amount of surfactant used % increase in specific fuel consumption % increase of torque % increase of Brake thermal efficiency % reduction NOx % reduction of PM % reduction of HC and CO
[7] Renault F8Q turbo charged intercooler IDI,5 different steady state operating conditions 10 Polyethylenglycole monooleate and sorbitol sesquioleate NA Reduced Reduced Reduced HC reduced
[8] 4s, 4c, di industrial diesel engine NA NA NA 22–26% compared with certified diesel fuel (CDF) NA Slightly Higher than CDF 29–37% reduced Not measured 60–90% reduced HC
[11] 2.5 L DI turbo-charge Toyota diesel engine, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% load with 800–3600 rpm in steps of 400 rpm 10% water 10% biodegradable surfactant 10% by volume Increased in all test conditions NA Increased with speed Reduced NA Higher at low load and decreasing with increasing speed and load
[32] FORD XLD 418, 1000–5000 rpm 5, 10 and 15 Conventional-sorbitan monooleate (SM) and gemini surfactant 0.5% for SM
0.4% for gemini
15% water has highest and decreases with decrease in water content Less with all emulsions compared to diesel 5% water produced highest torque NA Reduced Reduced Lowest with 15% water
[33] 4 cylinder, DI water cooled1450cc, 1000–3000 
5–30% insteps of 5 Polysorbate-20 2% by volume Increased At 5% water torque was max., and declining with increase of water content For 5% water = 35% NO and NOx reduced with increase in water Reduced HC and CO2 increased with increases in water content
[41] 4C,4S, water cooled DI industrial HINO diesel engine, 200 Nm and 2200 rpm 13 NA 2% (surfactants and cetane improver) Increase of 26% NA NA NA NA NA
[44] Single cylinder, 4S, DI diesel engine with injection pressure of 200 bar, constant speed 1500 rpm 10% and 20% Sodium laurel sulphate 0.1% for 1000 mL emulsion Break BFC decreases with all load NA Increase with increased water content Reduced 10% for 10% water and 25% for 20% water NA Decreasing with all loading conditions
[45] 4 cylinder, HSDI diesel engine at 1480, 2035, 1480, 2065, and 1460 rpm 20 Span 80 and Tween 85 1.3% of Span 80 and 0.7% of Tween 85 BSFC increased with increased EGR rate NA NA Reduced between 30–50% at low injection pressure and increased up to 24% at higher injection pressure 94% reduced at low loads
[46] 4S, air cooled overhead valve, constant speed of 1500 rpm at different outputs. 0.4 : 1 ratio Surfactant used unknown, with HLB 7 NA NA NA NA NOx is reduced NA NA
[47] Single cylinder DI diesel engine, 1200–3300 rpm 0–20% in steps of 5% Span 80 and Tween 80 2% by volume of mixture Decreased with increasing water content NA Appr-3.5% for 20% water NA NA NA
[48] 6 cylinder, TCI diesel engine (High way Bus Engine), 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of full power at 1200 rpm and 2000 rpm 15% analysis considered for 15% water content NA
(used along with cetane improver)
NA at 25% and 50% load slightly higher than diesel.
At 75% BSFC is better than diesel
Decreased 20% and 9% at 1200 rpm and 2000 rpm when compared with diesel NA Reduced up to 11.6% Reduced up to 34.5% CO and HC increased up to 12.4% and 59.4% respectively
[49] 4 cylinder air-cooled DI truck diesel engine 0, 10, 15 (Span 85)
Quantity NA
NA NA NA NA 20 for 10% water
18 for 15% water
NA THC reduced about 52% for 10% water
33% for 15% water
[50] 4 cylinder, air cooled, 1700 rpm and 2100 rpm 10 and 15% NA NA NA NA NA Reduction of 20% and 18% for 10% water and 15% water NA THC reduced 52% and 33% for 10% water and 15% water
[51] 6 cylinder, Caterpillar 3176 turbocharged engine, steady state operation 20% by mass Purinox
(commercial DE fuel)
NA 0.7% reduced NA NA 19% reduced 16% reduced HC and CO emissions increased by 28% and 42%
[52] Renault VI 620–45 (Euro 1) engine testing 13% by weight NA 2-3% Reduced 1–4% NA NA Appr. 30% with reduction of 80% black smoke Up to 50% 12% reduced HC
[53] 2.5L, 4cylinder.D.I. Ford engine, different load with 2500 rpm 20% by vol. NA NA NA NA NA Decrease Up to 60%
with increased smoke
NA HC and CO increased relatively low level