Examination of the solution oligomeric states of indicated A46 variants by SEC-multiangle laser light scattering. A, wild-type A46 behaves as a tetramer (Tm), whereas MBP tagged full-length A46 behaves a dimer (Dm). B, methylated A46-(1–229) was separated into tetramer and dimer populations by size-exclusion chromatography, and the resulting fractions were subjected to static light scattering. C, The N- and C-terminally truncated A46-(87–229) variant that was successfully crystallized behaves as a dimer on static light scattering. 100–200 μg of the indicated proteins was applied to a Superdex 10/300 column, and the light scattering was measured using a miniDAWN Tristar light scattering instrument. Molecular masses were calculated directly from the light scattering measurements.