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. 2013 Nov 7;472(3):983–989. doi: 10.1007/s11999-013-3360-5

Table 1.

Association between chemotherapy and patient characteristics

Characteristic Number of patients p value Number of patients p value
Any chemotherapy No chemotherapy Ifosfamide No ifosfamide
Age (years)
 ≥ 60 10 (50%) 10 (50%) 0.020 5 (25%) 15 (75%) 0.111
 < 60 18 (85.7%) 3 (14.3%) 11 (52.4%) 10 (47.6%)
 Male 18 (66.7%) 9 (33.3%) 0.266 10 (37%) 17 (63%) 0.717
 Female 10 (71.4%) 4 (28.6%) 6 (42.9%) 8 (57.1%)
Tumor location
 Trunk 11 (73.3%) 4 (26.7%) 0.734 9 (60%) 6 (40%) 0.037
 Extremity 17 (65.4%) 9 (34.6%) 7 (26.9%) 19 (73.1%)
Tumor size (cm)
 > 8 16 (72.7%) 6 (27.3%) 0.511 9 (40.9%) 13 (59.1%) 0.790
 ≤ 8 12 (63.2%) 7 (36.8%) 7 (36.8%) 12 (63.2%)
Initial diagnosis
 Incorrect 13 (65%) 7 (35%) 0.628 9 (45%) 11 (55%) 0.444
 Correct 15 (71.4%) 6 (28.6%) 7 (33.3%) 14 (66.7%)
Pathologic fracture
 Yes 8 (57.1%) 6 (42.9%) 0.269 2 (14.3%) 12 (85.7%) 0.041
 No 20 (74.1%) 7 (25.9%) 14 (51.9%) 13 (48.1%)
Surgical margin
 Positive 2 (28.6%) 5 (71.4%) 0.024 0 (0%) 7 (100%) 0.031
 Negative 26 (76.5%) 8 (23.5%) 16 (47.1%) 18 (52.9%)
Metastasis at diagnosis
 Yes 6 (85.7%) 1 (14.3%) 0.399 2 (28.6%) 5 (71.4%) 0.685
 No 22 (64.7%) 12 (35.3%) 14 (41.2%) 20 (58.8%)