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. 2014 Jan 25;14:41. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-14-41

Table 1.

Sample characteristics of studies that have developed PROMs assessing quality of patient-centred cancer care

Measure Sample size Consent rate Eligibility criteria Setting & country Socio-demographics Cancer type, stage/ diagnosis Cancer treatments
Assessment of Patient Experiences of Cancer Care (APECC) [32]
69.2% participation rate.
Read English, diagnosed with leukaemia or bladder or colorectal cancer between June 1999-May 2001 (i.e., 2-5 years before study enrolment), at least 20 years old at diagnosis, have received cancer treatment, have the cancer of interest as their first cancer diagnosis, not have any other cancer between their initial diagnosis and the start of the study, have no objections from their physician of record to their participation.
Cancer Prevention Institute of California’s cancer registry, USA.
43.3% women
Colorectal cancer: 59.6%
38.7% surgery only
49.2% response rate.
37.7% aged 50-64 years
Bladder cancer: 26.2%
35.1% surgery plus chemotherapy or radiation
20.3% college degree
Leukaemia: 14.3%
71.5% married/defacto
73.8% Non-Hispanic white
84.4% in remission.
12.3% surgery plus chemotherapy and radiation
83.6% private health insurance
Mean of 3.5 years since diagnosis.
13.9% chemotherapy with or without radiation but no surgery
Cancer Care Coordination Questionnaire for Patients [33]
Sample 1 (n = 245): Patients were in follow-up for any cancer that had been treated between 3 to 12 months previously, had sufficient English and were not cognitively impaired and were not receiving end of life care.
Sample 1: Six centres (2 metropolitan & 4 regional).
Total participants:
Colorectal: 82.5%
96% surgery
46.8% women
Gynaecological: 7.6%
40.5% chemotherapy
Mean age: 66.1 years
Breast: 2.6%
12.2% radiotherapy
66.9% married/defacto
Lung/mesothelioma: 1.3%
3.9% hormone therapy
Sample 2: 22 public and private hospitals in metropolitan and regional centres.
35.3% tertiary degree or diploma
Other/multiple sites: 4.7%
23.5% employed full-time
Primary cancer: 91.8%
Recurrent cancer: 3.8%
Sample 2 (n = 441): Patients with a newly diagnosed colorectal cancer undergoing initial surgical treatment.
Cancer Patient Information Importance and Satisfaction Tool [34]
Ambulatory setting of regional cancer centre, Canada.
53% women
Breast: 19.1%
Mean age: 60.9 years
Haematological: 12.5%
Genitourinary: 12.5%
Skin: 11.5%
Gastrointestinal: 11.5%
Head and neck: 11.3%
Gynecologic: 11.2%
Lung: 10.4%
21.3% diagnosed in last year, 48.3% between 2-5 years ago.
Cancer Therapy Satisfaction Questionnaire (CTSQ) [35,36]
Provided written informed consent, aged 18 years or older, read and write in English, available for follow-up evaluation, actively receiving more than one cycle of first- or second-line chemo, biological or hormonal therapy for early or advanced cancer, mentally and physically capable of participation.
14 community clinical practices, USA.
63.2% women
Breast: 37.9%
First-line of therapy: 48.8%
Mean age: 60.7 years
Colorectal: 33.5%
90.9% white
Lung: 25.2%
Second-line of therapy: 28.0%
16.3% college/university degree
Melanoma: 3.3%
Stage I: 6.1%
Adjuvant: 23.3%
Stage II: 25.2%
Stage III: 24.9%
Stage IV: 43.8%
Consumer Quality Index Breast Care (CQI-BC) [37]
Older than 18 years, having received breast care in the last 24 months, not being approached in the past for CQI surveys.
Selected from claims data of four health insurance companies, The Netherlands.
99.7% women
Breast cancer: 57%
30% aged between 55 and 64 years
Benign breast disorder: 38%
Breast carcinoma in situ: 5%
EORTC cancer in-patient satisfaction with care measure (EORTC IN-PATSAT32) [38]
Diagnosed with cancer, aged 18 years or older, hospitalized for at least three days, mentally able to complete questionnaire.
Surgery or medical oncology wards in hospitals, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom.
59% women
Breast: 35.1%
Current or planned treatment:
Median age: 57 years
Gastro-intestinal: 17.2%
55% surgery
21% university educated
Gynaecologic: 10%
73.6% married/defacto
Head and neck: 7.3%
40.8% chemotherapy
40.5% full time employed
Genito-urinary: 7.1%
3.2% surgery and chemotherapy
Haematological: 6.5%
Respiratory: 5.6%
0.9% other
Bone: 2.8%
Brain: 1.5%
Melanoma: 0.8%
Other: 6.2%
73.9% local/loco-regional
26% metastatic
Median of 15 weeks since diagnosis.
Indicators (Head & Neck Cancer) [39]
Patients with head and neck cancer newly diagnosed between May to December 2003
Selected from clinic lists at a university hospital, The Netherlands
27% women
Head & neck cancer.
First treatment:
Mean age: 62 years
Larynx and hypharynx: 38%
Operation: 56%
23% highly educated
Cavity of the mouth: 36%
Radiotherapy: 37%
Other: 26%
Chemotherapy: 7%
Indicators (Non-small Cell Lung Cancer) [40]
Patients newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer between September 2004 and February 2005.
6 hospitals, The Netherlands.
34% women
Non-small cell lung cancer.
Mean age: 66 years
Stage IV: 24%
Medical Care Questionnaire (MCQ) [41]
Phase 3:
Adult patients from all tumor groups attending the Medical Oncology Unit, could read and understand English, were not exhibiting overt cognitive dysfunction or signs of distress.
A regional hospital, England.
Phase 3:
Phase 3:
3: 200
81% women
Gynecological: 38%
Phase 4: 477
Phase 4: 79.6%
42% aged 45-59 years
Breast: 26.5%
74% married/de facto
Genitourinary: 16.5%
13% employed full time
Sarcoma: 5.5%
Gastrointestinal: 4.5%
Phase 4:
Melanoma: 1%
74.2% women
Other: 8%
40.9% aged 45-59 years
75.1% married/de facto
Phase 4:
44.2% employed full time
Gynecological: 33.8%
Breast: 23.5%
Genitourinary: 21.4%
Melanoma: 8.4%
Sarcoma: 7.5%
Other: 5.5%
Modified Version of the Perceived Involvement in Care Scale (M-PICS) [42]
Females aged 18 years or older, confirmed diagnosis of breast cancer, reported pain of at least moderate intensity (score ≥4 on the Brief Pain Inventory’s Worst Pain Intensity item) over prior two weeks, absence of any gross cognitive impairment, literate in English or Spanish.
Four hospital-based outpatient oncology clinics and a private hospital-affiliated oncology practice, USA.
100% women
Breast cancer.
89.7% chemotherapy
Mean age: 50.4 years
Stage I: 12.6%
43.7% radiation therapy
31% Caucasian
Stage II: 24.1%
50.6% married/partnered
Stage III: 13.8%
64.5% at least 13 years education
Stage IV: 49.4%
26.2% employed
Oncology Patients’ Perceptions of the Quality of Nursing Care Scale (OPPQNCS) [43]
18 years or older, registered with the receptionist on the days of data collection, had received cancer nursing care in the clinic or hospital, not extremely ill or confused.
A haematology-oncology clinic, USA.
66% women
Breast: 40%
In active treatment
Mean age: 54.8 years
Melanoma: 9%
93% white
Lung: 6%
81% more than high school education
Renal cell: 4%
Squamous cell: 4%
Prostate: 3%
Other: <3%
Pain Care Quality Survey (PainCQ) [44,45]
18+ years of age, inpatients on one of the designated units with an expected stay of more than 24 hours, diagnosis of cancer, surgery for cancer, a suspected cancer diagnosis or a hematological disorder and a positive response to screening regarding the presence of pain, cognitively and physically able to complete survey.
Hospitals in three geographically diverse settings with medical or surgical oncology units, USA.
58.7% women
Leukaemia/lymphoma: 15.6%
Reason for hospitalization:
Mean age: 53.1 years
88.1% non-Hispanic white
Uterine/Cervical/Ovarian: 11.9%
Surgery: 40.4%
Supportive care and management of complications: 45.9%
66.1% married/partnered
Prostate and genitourinary: 11.9%
25.7% college graduate
Colorectal: 10.1%
Treatment of cancer: 8.3%
Lung: 7.3%
Gastrointestinal: 7.3%
Other: 5.5%
Breast: 6.4%
Other cancers: 22.0%
Non-cancer diagnosis: 7.3%
34.9% local or regional
41.3% advanced cancer
PASQOC questionnaire [46]
Aged 18 years or older, the presence of any cancer suitable for outpatient treatment, read and write in German, mentally and physically able to complete questionnaire.
24 institutions including 15 private group practices, 6 single oncologist-led practices, 3 hospital day clinics, Germany.
56% women
Breast: 22.9%
80.9% chemotherapy
Mean age: 61.7 years
Intestine: 19.8%
58.0% surgery
8.7% employed full-time
Lymphoma: 15.2%
Haematological: 12.3%
Other: 29.8%
58.2% distant metastases
61.9% diagnosed within last 3 years
Patient Satisfaction with Cancer Care [47]
Abnormal breast, cervical, colorectal and prostate cancer test finding or a new diagnosis of these cancers without any prior history of cancer treatment other than non-melanoma skin cancer, fluent in English.
Multiple patient Navigation Research Program recruitment sites (eg, clinics or hospitals), within nine largely racial/ethnic minority and low-income communities, USA.
81.3% women
Breast: 64.2%
Mean age: 51.4 years
Cervix: 10.8%
43.2% white
Colorectal: 12.0%
40.4% married/defacto
Prostate: 12.6%
12.9% college graduate
Multiple sites: 0.5%
29.9% full-time employed
Perceived Physician’s Communication Style Scale [48]
Patients with cancer who were aware of their cancer diagnosis, met their doctor more than once and did not have a debilitating condition.
A hospital, Japan.
66.7% women
Breast cancer: 50.3%
Mean age: 57.6 years
Gastric cancer: 30.6%
20.4% university educated
Lung cancer: 15.0%
Other cancer: 4.1%
55.1% disease free
44.9% recurrent or metastatic disease
Prostate Care Questionnaire for Patients (PCQ-P) [49]
Patients diagnosed with, or treated for prostate cancer within the past two years, who were not too ill to participate.
5 hospitals, England
100% male
Prostate cancer
40.5% aged 65-74 years
92.8% white
21.3% employed
QUOTE Breast Cancer [50,51]
Experience with any type of surgery for breast cancer 3 -15 months before the start of the study, age older than 17 years and mental competence as judged by the breast nurse.
5 hospitals, The Netherlands.
100% women
Breast cancer
54% lumpectomy
Mean age: 57 years
52% (modified) radical mastectomy
32% college/university educated
16% diagnosed 3-6 months ago, 47% 7-12 months ago, 34% 13-18 months ago, 3% more than 18 months ago.
50% radiotherapy
38% chemotherapy
60 most recent patients from each hospital who were new to chemotherapy, aged 18 years or older, able to read Dutch.
Hospital records from 10 hospitals, The Netherlands.
67% women
Breast: 47.2%
16.2% chemotherapy only
Mean age: 55.7 years
Digestive-gastrointestinal: 21.5%
79% lived with partner
74.5% chemotherapy & surgery
28% highly educated
Haematologic: 10.6% Lung: 9.7%
52.8% employed
Gynaecological: 6.2% Urologic: 2.9%
45.5% chemotherapy & radiotherapy
Other: 1.8%
21.1% chemotherapy & hormone replacement therapy
Mean of 11.5 months since diagnosis.
6.2% chemotherapy & immunotherapy
74.8% curative intent
25.2% palliative intent
REPERES-60 [53]
A first diagnosis of invasive non-metastatic breast cancer, at least two contacts for cancer with one of the health professionals in one of the two regions between diagnosis and the first year of follow-up, signed informed consent.
Public and private cancer centres in two regions, France.
100% women
Breast cancer.
Mean age: 58 years
55.1% living with spouse/partner
15.7% higher education 43.7% employed
Satisfaction with Cancer Information Profile (SCIP) [54]
Newly diagnosed patients with head and neck cancer.
4 hospitals, England.
34% women
Head and neck cancer. Most common sites tongue and laryngeal/glottis
Planned treatments:
27% surgery only
26% radiotherapy only
31% surgery and radiotherapy
Mean age: 60 years
Stages I and II: approximately 50%; Stages III and IV: approximately 50%
11% radiotherapy and chemotherapy
92% white 61% married/de facto
5% surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy
SAT-RAR [55] 297 55.8% Aged > 18 years, curative irradiation and satisfactory general status (<3 on WHO performance scale). 16 centers, France. Breast cancer (n = 98):
Non-small cell lung cancer.
100% radiotherapy
Mean age: 56 years
Respiratory gating: 44% (breast cancer) & 67% (lung cancer)
100% women
Breast cancer.
Mean days hospitalized: 4.7 days
Non-small cell lung cancer (n = 199):
1 or more acute toxicity during treatment: 96% (breast cancer) & 86% (lung cancer)
Mean age: 65 years 15% women
Mean days hospitalized: 3.8 days Mean number of hospitalizations: 7.8