Figure 6.
Live/dead staining of C. glutamicum cells using the fluorescent dyes PI and Syto 9. C. glutamicum ATCC 13032 was grown on CGXII minimal medium with 4% glucose, sampled as indicated and stained with PI (red) and Syto 9 (green) as described in Experimental procedures.A. Calibration: The assumed fraction of dead (isopropanol-killed) cells was plotted against the measured fraction of dead cells.B. Percentage of Syto 9 and Syto 9/PI positive (live) and PI positive (dead) cells in dependency of cultivation time. Bars represent the mean ± SD of three independent experiments.C. Dot plots (PI versus Syto 9) of the control experiment (calibration), early log, log, and stationary phase C. glutamicum cells (live: green; dead: red).D. Microscopic analysis (fluorescence channel) of log phase C. glutamicum cells (5.5 h after inoculation) stained with Syto 9 and PI. The majority of cells showed a green fluorescence (I), a small amount of cells stained PI positive (II). Often V-shaped sister cells were observed where one cell stained Syto 9 positive whereas the sister cell stained PI positive (III/IV).