Figure 2. Regional association plots for the novel and APOA5 loci in the Mexican GWA study.
Regional plots for both genotyped and imputed (based on the 1000 Genomes Project) SNPs are displayed. The −log10 of the P-values obtained in stage I and in the combined stage I+II samples are shown within circle and diamond shapes, respectively, as a function of genomic distance (NCBI Build 36.1 build hg18) for NPC1 (A), and APOA5 (B) gene region. SNPs are color-coded according to LD with the lead SNP (large red diamond). In B, the arrow indicates the SNP previously suggested as the most plausible functional variant19 in the APOA5 region. Light blue lines indicate the estimated recombination hot spots in HapMap. The bottom panel shows the genes at each locus as annotated in the UCSC Genome Browser Database. The gray bar indicates associated interval determined as the region spanning SNPs in LD of r2 ≥ 0.5 with the lead Mexican SNP50. Plots were generated using SNAP.51