Figure 9.
(A) Transfection efficiency of glycogen derivative/pDNA complexes at various weight ratios (w/w =5, 10, and 20) and the bPEI/pDNA complex (N/P =10) determined by flow cytometry in 293T cells and CNE2 cells (n=3). (B) Fluorescence micrographs and light-inverted micrographs of 293T cells and CNE2 cells transfected by the glycogen derivative/pDNA complexes (w/w =20): AEPZ-Glyp-0.35/pDNA (a), DMAPA-Glyp-2.8/pDNA (b), and bPEI/pDNA (N/P =10) (×100) (c).
Abbreviations: bPEI, branched polyethyleneimine; pDNA, plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid; N/P, N/P ratio refers to the ratio of moles of the amine groups of bPEI to moles of phosphates of pDNA; DMAPA, 3-(dimethylamino)-1-propylamine; AEPZ, 1-(2-aminoethyl) piperazine; Glyp, glycogen.