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. 2013 Oct 8;16(1):150–160. doi: 10.1007/s12017-013-8269-3

Table 1.

Lysosomal network proteins screened, their most frequent cellular compartment association and the primary antibodies used for Western blot. All antibodies were used at a 1:1,000 dilution unless stated otherwise

Target Product number Company Address Compartment association
Atg4B Code OSA00033 W/ID tag RB270-270108-WS Osenses Keswick, SA, Australia Autophagosomes
Atg9 Code OSA00042 W/ID tag Rb273-270108-WS Sigma-Aldrich St. Louis, MO, USA Autophagosomes
Atg5 A0731 Autophagosomes
EEA1 E4156 Endosomes
Rab5a R4654 Endosomes
Atg7 ab53255 Abcam Cambridge, UK Autophagosomes
IDE ab133561 Cytosolic
Rab9 ab2810 Endosomes
MHC class IIa ab55152 Lysosomes
Atg6a sc11427 Santa Cruz Biotechnology Santa Cruz, CA, USA Autophagosomes
hsc70 sc-24 Lysosomes
DRAM sc-81713 Lysosomes
LIMP-2 sc-55571 Lysosomes
Rab4 sc-312 Endosomes
Rab7 sc-10767 Endosomes
TFEB sc-4878 Cytosolic/Nuclear
V-ATPase sc-55544 Lysosomes
PICALM NBP1-86658 Novus Biologicals Littleton, CO, USA Endosomes
LC3 NB600-1384 Autophagosomes
NPC1 NB400-148 Lysosomes
Cathepsin A AF1049 R&D Systems Inc. Minneapolis, MN, USA Lysosomes
Cathepsin B 01-12-030102 Athens Research and Technology Athens, GA, USA Lysosomes
Cathepsin D 01-12-030104 Lysosomes
Cathepsin L 01-12-030112 Lysosomes
CD63 556019 BD Biosciences Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA Lysosomes
Flotillin 1 610821 Endosomes
LAMP-1 9835-01 Southern Biotech Birmingham, AL, USA Lysosomes
LAMP-2 9840-01 Lysosomes
Proteasome 20S BML-PW8105 Enzo Life Sciences Inc. Farmingdale, NY, USA Cytosolic
Rab3 107011 Synaptic Systems GmbH Goettingen, Germany Endosomes
SYT7 105172 Lysosomes
Tsg 101 GTX70255 GeneTex Inc. San Antonio, TX, USA Endosomes
M6PR 10R-M105a Fitzgerald North Acton, MA, USA Endosomes
ASMase 3687 Cell Signaling Technology Boston, MA, USA Lysosomes

aUsed at 1:500 dilution