Figure 2.
VirB6 topology and cellular location studies with GFP. (A) VirB6 fused at its C terminus to cytoplasmically active GFP. PC1006 deleted of virB6 (ΔB6) and Ti-plasmidless KA1000 cells expressing PvirB-virB6-GFP from pSJB6GFP (B6-GFP) display polar fluorescence; PC1006 cells (ΔB6) expressing PvirB-GFP from pZDB88 (GFP) are uniformly fluorescent. Top panels: GFP fluorescence monitored by fluorescence microscopy; lower panels: corresponding images by DIC microscopy. (B) Production of VirB6-GFP and GFP in A. tumefaciens. Membrane proteins (5 μg) from strains examined by microscopy were subjected to SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis with anti-GFP antibodies (αGFP). Positions of stably-produced VirB6-GFP and GFP are indicated at the left; molecular mass markers are indicated (in kDa) at right.