Fer siRNA Inhibition Meiotic Maturation in a Dose-Dependent Manner
Treatment | Concentration (mM) | n | 1hr GV | 3 hr GV | 17 hr GV | MI-MII | MII |
Non-injected | 0 | 36-41 | 5b | 0c | 0a | 100a | 82a |
Control siRNA | 0.30 | 42-90 | 19b | 4c | 0a | 95ab | 76a |
Fer siRNA | 0.05 | 39-50 | 81a | 44b | 2a | 78b | 35b |
Fer siRNA | 0.10 | 38-45 | 98a | 60ac | 21a | 54c | 16bc |
Fer siRNA | 0.30 | 44-53 | 100a | 93a | 54b | 31d | 2c |
Data presented as percentages of oocytes with a visible GV at 1, 3, or 17 hr of maturation or reached at least metaphase-I (MI p MII) and those that matured all the way to metaphase-II (MII) at 17 hr with 3-4 replicates per treatment. a,b,c Values in columns with different superscripts are significantly different at P < 0.05.