Fig. 3.
Paternal prediabetes alters the methylation status of several insulin signaling genes in offspring. (A) MeDIP-Seq data are shown for three insulin signaling genes, including Pik3r1 (Upper Left), Pik3ca (Upper Right) and Ptpn1 (Lower Left) in offspring, and Pik3ca (Lower Right) in sperm. The graphs show smoothed number of normalized reads, which represent output MeDIP signals. Genes are shown below the graphs, and red bars represent the position of the CpGs. The regions that are differentially methylated are shown in the box. (B) Bisulfite sequencing for the methylation status of indicated genes. White circles represent unmethylated CpGs, and black circles represent methylated CpGs. Values on each bisulfite grouping indicate the percentage of CpG methylation, with number of analyzed clones in parentheses.