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. 2014 Jan 21;2014:540496. doi: 10.1155/2014/540496

Table 3.

Model parameter values.

Glossary Central SAN model Peripheral SAN model
C m Cell membrane capacitance 20 pF 65 pF
g Na Maximum i Na conductance 0 μS/pF 1.85 × 10−8 μS/pF
g K,Ach,max Maximum i K,Ach conductance 3.53 × 10−10μS/pF 1.218 × 10−9 μS/pF
g Ca,L Maximum i Ca,L conductance 2.9 × 10−4μS/pF 1.0 × 10−3 μS/pF
g f,Na Maximum i f,Na conductance 0.27 × 10−4μS/pF 1.05 × 10−4 μS/pF
g f,K Maximum i f,K conductance 0.27 × 10−4μS/pF 1.05 × 10−4 μS/pF
g K,r Maximum i K,r conductance 3.99 × 10−5μS/pF 2.46 × 10−4 μS/pF
g K,s Maximum i K,s conductance 2.59 × 10−5μS/pF 1.6 × 10−4 μS/pF
g st Maximum i st conductance 0.75 × 10−5μS/pF 0 μS/pF
E Ca,L Apparent reversal potential for i Ca,L 46.4 mV 46.4 mV
E st Apparent reversal potential for i st 37.4 mV 37.4 mV
[Na+]o Extracellular Na+ concentration 140 mM 140 mM
[K+]o Extracellular K+ concentration 5.4 mM 5.4 mM
K 0.5,K,Ach [Ach] that produces a half-maximal activation of g K,Ach,max 0.28 μM 0.28 μM
K 0.5,Ca [Ach] that produces a half-maximal block of i Ca,L 0.09 μM 0.09 μM
K 0.5,Ca′ [Iso] that produces a half-maximal increase of i Ca,L 7 nM 7 nM
K 0.5,f [Ach] that produces a half-maximal shift of i f activation curve 1.26 × 10−2μM 1.26 × 10−2μM
K 0.5,f [Iso] that produces a half-maximal shift of i f activation curve 13.5 nM 13.5 nM
K 0.5,gK [Iso] that produces a half-maximal increase of g K,r 19 nM 19 nM
K 0.5,Kacti [Iso] that produces a half-maximal shift of i K,r activation curve 7.5 nM 7.5 nM
K 0.5,τK,r [Iso] that produces a half-maximal decrease of τK,r 24 nM 24 nM
K 0.5,st [Iso] that produces a half-maximal Increase of i st 33 nM 33 nM
P up Rate constant of Ca2+ uptake by j up of the network SR 0.01 mM/ms 0.02 mM/ms
n K,Ach i K,Ach affected by [Ach] and Hill coefficient 1.5 1.5
n f i f affected by [Ach] and Hill coefficient 0.69 0.69
n up SR Ca2+ uptake and Hill coefficient 2 2
n f i f affected by [Iso] and Hill coefficient 0.392 0.392
S Na Percentage change of i Na conductance induced by DelF1617 mutation 0.38 0.38
S τh1 Percentage change of the fast-inactivation time constants of i Na induced by DelF1617 mutation 2.18 2.18
S τh2 Percentage change of the slow-inactivation time constants of i Na induced by DelF1617 mutation 2.75 2.75
S h Parameter of the shift in the inactivation curve of i Na induced by DelF1617 mutation 0.128 0.128
b max⁡ Maximum fraction of i Ca,L block caused by Ach 0.56 0.56
s max⁡ Maximum shift of i f activation curve caused by Ach −7.2 mV −7.2 mV
f Ca,max⁡ Maximum percentage increase of i Ca,L caused by Iso 0.54 0.54
f K,max⁡ Maximum percentage increase of i K,r caused by Iso 1.87 1.87
f st.max Maximum percentage increase of i st caused by Iso 1.0 1.0
S f,max Maximum activation curve shift of i f caused by Iso 9.62 mV 9.62 mV
S K,max⁡ Maximum activation curve shift of i K,r caused by Iso −15 mV −15 mV
d τK,r,max⁡ Maximum decrease of τK,r, caused by Iso 3.0 3.0
αIso Percentage increase of the SR Ca2+ release fluxes caused by Iso 0.2 0.2
βIso Percentage decrease of the SR Ca2+ uptake caused by Iso 0.2 0.2