Overexpression of Wnt1 ligand induces MCN-like lesions in
KrasG12D transgenic mice. Multilocular cysts
including serosanguinous contents are located in the pancreatic body and tail in
elastase-tva, Ptf1a-cre, LSL-KrasG12D compound
transgenic mice infected with RCAS-Wnt1 (A and
C; arrows; sp, spleen).
(B) Cut surface showing enlarged cyst with slightly
thickened cyst wall and precipitation of old coagulation in the lumen
(arrows). (D) A unilocular cyst containing
hemorrhagic contents is observed in the pancreatic tail of an
RCAS-Wnt1–injected elastase-tva, Ptf1a-cre,
LSL-KrasG12D compound transgenic mouse
(arrows). (E) Kaplan–Meier
analysis demonstrates that RCAS-Wnt1–injected mice
tended to have poor prognosis under cystic lesion-free survival curve
*P = .052 by the log-rank test.