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. 2014 Jan 23;95(1):29–48. doi: 10.1111/iep.12066

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Photomicrographs from 3-month-old PC2-ko mice showing plausible evolution of atypical hyperplastic islets (a–c) showing separation of ribbons of proliferating α-cells to form an interstitial cavernous space, its enlargement and filling with blood, (d) sheets of well-differentiated, karyomegalic, hyperchromatic α-cells formed from contortional piling of ribbons about the central cavernous space (haematoxylin and eosin), (e) strong GLP-1 immunostaining of an atypical hyperplastic islet showing lacunate pattern, (f) insulin immunostaining illustrating fragmentation of normally central, cohesive cluster of β-cells which are now distributed throughout the islet and separated by the proliferating α-cell tissue, (g) somatostatin immunostaining illustrating abundant δ-cells (arrows) in association with that of α-cells. (Objective lens magnifications: a, b, e, f, g ×20; c ×10; d ×40).