Figure 2. Analysis of PB and PF CD206+ and CD115+ M2-like macrophages.
PBMCs and PFMCs were isolated from individual subjects and stained with Alexaflour-anti-CD163, PerCP-anti-CD14, FITC-conjugated anti-CD206, and PE-conjugated anti-CD115 for 30 min. The numbers of PB and PF CD14+CD163+CD206+, CD14+CD163+CD115+, and CD14+CD163+CD206+CD115+ M2-like cells were analyzed by flow cytometry, based on total numbers of monocytes/macrophages. Data shown are representative FACS charts and expressed as the mean numbers of each type of cells per ml of PB and PF of individual subjects from two separate experiments. The horizontal lines indicate the median values for each group.